Are you really missing cheese? Try this!

Are you really missing cheese? Try this!

So many of you have tried to eliminate dairy but REALLY miss cheese. You know why? Cheese has a high concentration of  casomorphins which trigger the opioid receptors of the brain. That’s right—-you may be addicted to cheese! A great way to get a non-dairy  cheese...
Another “Fridge Dump” meal

Another “Fridge Dump” meal

WHO HATES TO THROW AWAY GOOD FOOD?? I do!!! I created another “Fridge Dump” meal. Backstory: My daughter is chicken-egg intolerant and lactose intolerant. Pretty seriously! She just celebrated her birthday and she requested my homemade lasagna. I thought…how can I...
Opportunity vs Obligation

Opportunity vs Obligation

Do you ever wake up with a feeling of dread about your day? Do you have a child or a pet that wakes you up before your alarm goes off? Do you worry about your workday or the myriad of tasks you have to do? Do you look at your day through a negative lense first thing?...